Monday, 24 March 2014

Unit Question: How can the World Wide Web be used as an advertising tool?

Medi Link - Investigation

“The database is up and running and everything is going smoothly. However, we don’t have customers willing to come to our clinic because our clinic is new. Therefore I have come up with a solution that has worked with many other clinics, which is to use the World Wide Web as an advertising tool. The question I have for you is how can the World Wide Web be used as an advertising tool?” Jack Harper, Manager, Medi Link, Arabian Ranches.

My job is to research how the World Wide Web can be used as an advertising tool; here are the brainstorms I have created:

Advertising Tool - Internet
  • Referral ads: promoting, encouraging and rewarding customers to share knowledge about the supplier to people they know.
  • YouTube: creating an advertisement video and put it up on YouTube. 
  • Pop up ads: Pop-up ads are just one form of internet advertising used by advertisers to get web users' attention. They show up in a new browser window.
  • Website: having our own website that advertises what our clinic has to give to the customers
  • Websites – software: HTML or Dreamweaver

Medi Link: information the website should have
I will be creating a website because to attract customers, they will need to know more about our clinic.

  •  Health Information
  • How long the clinic is open
  • Customer forms/ orders
  • Where the pharmacy is located
  • Medicine the clinic provides 
  • Pharmacist Profile

Why did I choose advertising the clinic by creating a website?
I chose this option because I think it is more effective because customers will then really understand what the clinic provides and providing details of our clinic will make viewers trust our clinic more. Having pop up ads for example, needs to be really simple and with no detail, this will not attract customers as people do not know what the clinic provides.

The reasons for having these pages in my website:
Health Information: So the viewer may understand how the sickness form and what medicine they should use. This will be basic health information such as flus, migraines and stomach ache.
How long the clinic is open: to assure the viewers the availability of medicine, which is 24 hours.
Where the clinic is located: So the viewer will know where to visit the clinic.
Medicine the pharmacy provide: So the viewer will know what is available in the clinic
Pharmacist Profile: Viewer will get to know our pharmacist better; therefore will trust the clinic more
Customer orders/forms: Special deliveries of medicine that may not be in the clinic and to have medicine delivered to the customer’s doorstep.


Interview with Jack Harper, recorded on 28/02/2014:
Do you agree with the idea of creating a website?
Yes, it sounds like a great way for people to know what our clinic provides to the community.
Also, what age group are you targeting?
Any. Everybody needs medicine to stay healthy, not only adults. We need to show that we are a family-friendly clinic.
Ok. How would you like the website to be? Light and fun? Or dark and dull?
I don’t really think having a dull website will help with our situation. We need something professional but warm and attractive.
Finally, why do you think having a website is important for the community?
Having a clinic close by residents is convenient and efficient, people do not know about our clinic as they take granted of what is easily accessible for the community. We need to make the community acknowledge that a clinic is important as it is dealing with health, and having a healthy community makes a happy society.
Thank you for your time.
No problem.

Some designs I will keep in mind:

Nice and simple slogan
Not cluttered and the page is organized with the appropriate fonts and not too many pictures 
I like this design because it simple and easy to use. The picture is warm and friendly. It is also professional and attractive. 
Skills learned in Dreamweaver:
I learned how to merge cells
I learned how to create buttons using Photo Impact
I learned how to put a background colour on my table

I learned how to create banners using Photo Impact

I learned how to put my banner in to the merged cell

I learned how to insert my button

I learned how to open an image in Photo Impact 

I learned how to change the colour of the picture

I learned how to insert a second picture
I learned how to duplicate a picture 

I learned how to merge the pictures. 
I learned how to insert text
I learned how to change the text size
I learned how to change the colour of the text
I learned how to change the font of the text
My experiment I have done with Dreamweaver will help me during design and creation.

My Age Group Target/ Target Audience:
A target audience is important because I have to create the website based on the people who will be attracted to the clinic. The age group I am targeting is all ages; therefore I will use basic words and concise sentences. However, I will also need to make my website detailed for the adults. I need to make website seem professional as my target audience are obviously those who are in need of medicine, so I need to make my website look professional, so the target audience will trust and feel comfortable coming to the clinic. 

Areas of Interaction:
·         Approaches to learning
·         Health & Social Education

Approaches to learning:
By creating this website, I will be learning techniques on how to use Dreamweaver.
Health & Social Education:
This website is related to health as it provides information about Medi Link, which is a clinic. In my website, I will be including details of medicine and health information which educates the community about health.

I think my design for the home page is simple, therefore user-friendly. It has basic details of the pharmacy so the user will know where to find our pharmacy and know how long the pharmacy is available. It doesn’t have too many pictures, so it doesn’t seem too colorful, which would make my website more childish and unprofessional.

Home page design
Design for the remaining pages


Gantt Chart
      For my creation, I will need to adjust to the techniques of Adobe Dreamweaver and Photo impact (to create my logo). My experiment will help me create as I have a little bit of knowledge on Adobe Dreamweaver and Photo Impact, therefore I won’t be struggling while I am creating the website. 

Design view: Home page

iExplorer view 

I     I found this project more difficult than the Database project because Dreamweaver was more complex than using Microsoft Access. However, I researched and experimented with Dreamweaver and developed new skills such as inserting images and creating buttons by using PhotoImpact. My experiment allowed me to get used to using Dreamweaver and I believe that without my experiment, it would have been more difficult to create my website. My topic I chose was a clinic named, Medi Link, continuing my project from the Database. During my creation of my clinic website, it already took me a few lessons to create my home page. I found including text and pictures difficult as it was hard to move around where I wanted my text or pictures to be. I especially found making my website professional difficult because all the colors I used didn’t seem to fit in my topic, but in the end I used simple colors such as beige or leaving it white. My design that I initially created was similar to my end product, but there were a few changes. This is because Dreamweaver was difficult to operate; therefore I created my website a bit simpler. Additionally, I didn’t stick with my timeline because it took me long to get used to Dreamweaver. I am not completely happy with my outcome because I feel it doesn’t have a professional look. Next time, I will try and learn more complex features, such as including a video or a slideshow of pictures. Overall, I find my website good enough but I would like to improve my website and make it have a more of a professional look.

       Zahidah did a good job; her website was about a clinic. It looked very professional and it had a lot of good options in her website to help her target audience to have a better understanding of the clinic. She also showed a lot of different skills when using Dreamweaver. However, for improvements she could have add more information about the clinic and maybe use more colors to make it more eye catching I love Zahidah bye. J

       Zahidah did a really good job with her medical website. It was eye catching and had all the information needed for a medical website. It helped me understand the medical clinic better. I could see she took time and effort to make her website. She had many complex features in her website and had obviously researched and tried out many features. I feel to improve her work and to achieve a higher mark in the future she should add more pictures to her website as she had a few but to make it more eye catching she would need to add more pictures. Other than that I feel she did a really good job and understood the topic really well.  

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